
Sarome Piezo Pipe Lighter PSP-09 Black nickel super satin (Gunmetal)

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Special electronic lighters for pipe tobacco with hidden tamper. It can be used in pipe smoking by taking out the folded and hidden companion.
The flame comes out in horizontal angle to facilitate pipe ignition and circulation of the flame within the pipe bowl.
Reasonable price setting and recommended as entry model for special pipe lighters.

PSP series

Dimensions                    76 x 34 x 13.5 mm
Weight                           66 grams
Gas capacity                  1.10 grams
Number of ignition        Approx. 270 times
Type/fuel                       Piezo electronic pipe lighter/ Butane gas

Brand: Sarome
Product Name: PSP series piezo electronic pipe lighter
Manufacturer: Sarome Tokyo in Japan

PSP-03 Nickel super satin (Silver) / UPC 627753069247
PSP-09 Black nickel super satin (Gunmetal) / UPC 627753069254
PSP-10 Silver 2-tone engine turn (Silver) / UPC 627753067113
PSP-13 Silver super satin with pipe designs (Silver) / UPC 627753069261
PSP-14 Gold super satin with pipe designs (Gold) / UPC 627753069278

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